Loll DESIGNS outdoor furniture made from milk jugs
I love to point to companies and products that I use and love. A few months ago we began our search for outdoor furniture for our small patio in Seattle. In our previous house we had some teak furniture and I wasn't a big fan. I wanted something that I didn't need to maintain, could hose down and would't mold of fade. Also something that would not come apart in a few years.
I ran across a company called Loll DESIGNS in Minnestoa that makes outdoor (and other) furntiture made of recycled milk jugs. The furniture is all made after you order it and there is no inventory lying around. When the furniture is built, it gets shipped to you in fairly small boxes via FedEX.
My wife and I really liked the designs that they offer on their web site. Interestingly our favorite furniture store, Room & Board, carries a number of their items. So does Design Within Reach. They offer their furniture in many interesting shapes, sizes and colors.
Last week we received our furniture, and I had a real blast putting it together. It's during that process that I really appreciated the quality and workmanship of the product. It was also a bit like assembling legos, which I love to do, so I enjoyed my 4 or so hours outside getting the pieces all together.
I took a lot of pictures along the way which you can see below.
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Interestingly enough, Loll DESIGNS sister company is Epicurean Cutting Surfaces another example of a product I love. We have a number of their cutting boards in our kitchen.
In the future I plan on getting some lawn chairs and planters as well as some kids furniture.